#title To-do list for Dancer conference website #author Stefan Hornburg (Racke) #slides yes #lang en #pubdate 2016-09-22T08:54:57 ** Make it hackable - Instructions for setup - Database with "random" data ** Sell shirts and mugs [[s-h-stefan-hornburg-racke-to-do-list-for-dancer-co-1.png]] ** Multisite feature - ACT has it - Past conferences - Other events ** Schedule helper - Drag and drop of the talks ** Primer for presentations I [[s-h-stefan-hornburg-racke-to-do-list-for-dancer-co-2.png]] ** Primer for presentations II 1. Prepare 2. Prepare 3. Prepare ** Primer for presentations III - Speak loud - Address attendees - Less text - More pictures ** Miscellaneous issues - Multiple speakers - Asset management ** Other systems I [[s-h-stefan-hornburg-racke-to-do-list-for-dancer-co-1.jpg]] ** Other systems II - Calendars - ACT ** GitHub [[https://github.com/interchange/Perl-Dancer-Conference][https://github.com/interchange/Perl-Dancer-Conference]]