#title FreeTDS #subtitle Perl DBI and Microsoft SQL Server #author Stefan Hornburg (Racke) #lang en #sorttopics DBI; FreeTDS; ODBC; tsql ** Testing setup with tsql Discover SQL server instances for server running on IP tsql -H -L ** TDS version Selecting the correct TDS version can be the key to success in connecting to Microsoft SQL server. For example with Microsoft SQL server version 10.50 and TDS version 7: Error 20017 (severity 9): Unexpected EOF from the server Error 20002 (severity 9): Adaptive Server connection failed There was a problem connecting to the server With TDS version 8 it connected just fine. ** Date format For further processing ISO dates are helpful and automatically provided by MySQL and PostgreSQL. If you get dates in a format like "Feb 28 2007 12:00AM", you change the format in /etc/freetds/locales.conf like that: [default] date format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ** Switch from ODBC with Microsoft driver to FreeTDS In this case you might see the following warning: Setting of CS_OPT_TEXTSIZE failed. Reference: [[https://metacpan.org/pod/DBD::Sybase#Using-DBD::Sybase-with-MS-SQL][https://metacpan.org/pod/DBD::Sybase#Using-DBD::Sybase-with-MS-SQL]]