#title Ansible Provisioning #author Stefan Hornburg (Racke) #lang en #sortTopics Ansible; Galaxy; SSH; Git; check_mk; Python; APT; MySQL; PostgreSQL; Jinja; Inventory; FreeBSD ** Target hosts *** Preparing target host The only inevitable requirements for the target are a SSH server and Python. Modern distributions are using Python 3, therefore we recommend to force Ansible using it: {{{ # group_vars/all.yml ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3 }}} Otherwise Ansible uses Python 2 if available on the system. This applies to: - Debian 9 (Stretch) and later - CentOS 8 **** Alpine Install Python3: {{{ ~ apk update ~ apk add --quiet python3 }}} **** Arch Linux Synchronizing package databases: {{{ $ sudo pacman -Fy }}} Install Python3: {{{ $ sudo pacman -S python3 }}} **** Debian On a Debian host with minimal setup you can install Python as follows: {{{ % apt-get update % apt-get install python3 }}} It is also useful to install *python3-apt* on Debian hosts. This allows you to run the playbook in check mode on a pristine system. **** Gentoo Installing packages requires the *equery* program: {{{ $ sudo emerge app-portage/gentoolkit }}} **** FreeBSD Install Python3: {{{ ~# pkg install python3 }}} Adjust *ansible_python_interpreter* variable: {{{ ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/local/bin/python3 }}} **** RedHat RedHat 8 and derivatives like CentOS and Alma Linux OS don't come with Python pre-installed, {{{ ~ dnf update ~ dnf install -y python3 }}} *** Setup SSH connection details for all hosts In the file =group_vars/all=: {{{ --- ansible_connection: ssh ansible_user: ansible }}} *** Connection variables ansible_host :: IP address of the target host ansible_user :: Ansible user on target host ansible_connection :: Connection method (defaults to =ssh=) ansible_ansible_ssh_private_key :: Private key file on the controller Example: {{{ test_vml ansible_host= ansible_user=ansible ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/mynames/keys/example.pem }}} *** Troubleshooting **** Shared connection to The *ansible_user* needs to be in the group sudo on Ubuntu host. {{{ Oct 9 17:59:25 mytestbox sudo: nevairbe : command not allowed ; TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/nevairbe ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/sh -c echo BECOME-SUCCESS-xrqnygkastkbrykkzzvttjbhvzajdltm ; /usr/bin/python3 /home/nevairbe/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1696867164.8682141-9644-176952864770288/AnsiballZ_setup.py }}} ** Development and Debugging *** Check mode The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_checkmode.html][Check mode]] is very useful to simulate what will be applied to the host without actually changing anything. However, some tasks don't work in check mode. You can choose either to ignore errors in check mode or skip these tasks altogether. Please note that the =command= module automatically skip its tasks in check mode. Ignore errors in check mode: {{{ - name: Check if the elasticsearch package is installed shell: dpkg-query -W -f'${Status}' elasticsearch ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}" }}} Skip tasks in check mode: {{{ - name: Check if the elasticsearch package is installed shell: dpkg-query -W -f'${Status}' elasticsearch when: not ansible_check_mode }}} *** YAML callback plugin #yamlcbplugin The default output for errors is hard to read, thus it is recommended to configure the YAML callback plugin in *ansible.cfg*: {{{ [defaults] ... # Use the YAML callback plugin. stdout_callback = yaml # Use the stdout_callback when running ad-hoc commands. bin_ansible_callbacks = True }}} Thanks to Jeff Geerling for his [[https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2018/use-ansibles-yaml-callback-plugin-better-cli-experience][blog post]] about this feature. This callback can also be turned out by an environment variable: {{{ export ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=yaml }}} Reference: [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/plugins/callback.html]] ** Inventory *** Group names The following characters are invalid group names: spaces, hyphens, and preceding numbers. ** Tasks A task calls an Ansible module and can be modified by [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/playbooks_keywords.html#task][task keywords]], e.g. conditions or delegations. *** Common Tasks **** Directories and Files Create directory: {{{ - name: Create DKIM directory file: state: directory path: "/etc/exim4/dkim" owner: root }}} Copy file: {{{ - name: Install DKIM domain setup script copy: src: "dkimsetup" dest: "/usr/local/sbin/dkimsetup" owner: root mode: 0755 }}} Create file from template: {{{ - name: Add DKIM settings template: src: "dkim_macros.j2" dest: "/etc/exim4/conf.d/main/00_dkim_macros" owner: root }}} Add or change [[#lineinfilemodule][line in a file]]: {{{ - name: Register Foo's certificate chain in LDAP configuration file lineinfile: dest: /etc/openldap/ldap.conf regex: '^TLS_CACERT\s+' line: 'TLS_CACERT /etc/ssl/foo-chain.pem' }}} **** Packages You can install distribution packages with the generic [[#packagemodule][*package*]] module or with the distribution specific module. Install Git package: {{{ - name: Install Git package package: name: git }}} **** Cronjobs Example for creating a cronjob: {{{ - name: Create cronjob cron: name: Mrad backup minute: 12 hour: 22 user: root job: "/usr/local/bin/mrad /etc/mrad.cfg" cron_file: mrad }}} This creates a file *mrad* in the directory =/etc/cron.d= as per the *cron_file* attribute. The contents are: {{{ #Ansible: Mrad backup 12 22 * * * root /usr/local/bin/mrad /etc/mrad.cfg }}} *** Use Cases **** Replace content in files For configuration and other text files you can use either [[#lineinfilemodule][*lineinfile*]] or [[#blockinfilemodule][*blockinfile*]] module. There also other modules for specific formats, e.g. the [[#xmlmodule][*xml*]] module for XML files. *** Keywords **** environment {{{ - name: Install sensor package for Ubuntu apt: name: sensor environment: SERVER_ADDRESS: "{{ cyber_server_address }}" CUSTOMER_ID: "{{ cyber_customer_id }" }}} ** Jinja2 templates Jinja2 templates are used all over space. First in mind are template files for the *template* task, but they can used in other places like in *when* conditions. Jinja has nice features, e.g. [[http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.10/templates/#template-inheritance][template inheritance]]. You might consider to add a header line, which makes system administrators aware of the origin on the file, e.g.: {{{ {{ ansible_managed | comment }} }}} Default output is: {{{ # Ansible managed }}} *** Filters #filters Reference: [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_filters.html]] In addition to the Ansible filters you can also use [[https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.0.x/templates/#builtin-filters][Jinja filters]]. *** Various Filters **** *default* This filter returns the value =443= if the variable *https_port* is not defined. {{{ "{{ https_port | default(443) }}" }}} If you use the *default* filter with the special variable *omit*, the parameter would not be passed to the ansible module. That allows us to gracefully fall back to the default of the module parameter. {{{ - name: Create PostgreSQL database postgresql_db: name: "{{ dbname }}" owner: "{{ dbuser | default(omit) }}" }}} Alias for this filter: *d* **** *basename* Returns the file name from a file path. Useful with *with_fileglob*. **** *reverse* (Jinja filter) #filterreverse This reverses a string, a list or any other Python object. *** List filters #listfilters See also how to use [[#pythonlists][Python syntax]] to manipulate lists. **** *first* #filterfirst Returns first element of a list. **** *join* #filterjoin Joins list members into a string: {{{ {{ monitoring_server_ips | join(' ') }} }}} This is filter is also useful to print the output from a command into a file, line by line: {{{ - copy: content: "{{ grep_results.stdout_lines | join('\n') }}" dest: /tmp/grep.txt }}} **** *length* #filterlength Counts the members of the list which is convenient in a condition: {{{ when: mylist | length }}} **** *map* #filtermap The *map* filter has a number of different usages. It can be used to apply any of the [[#stringfilters][string filters]] to all elements of the list, e.g. {{{ "{{ services.split(',') | map('trim') | list }}" }}} [[#findbasenamefilter][Example using *basename* filter]] Extract #filtermapextract If you have a list of dictionaries and you want a single value from each dictionary, apply *attribute* map: {{{ {{ nginx_vhosts | map(attribute='server_name') | list }} }}} **** *select* #filterselect This filter selects any elements with matches a given condition: {{{ {{ omd_versions.stdout_lines | select('search', '\\s+\\(default\\)$') }} }}} The difference between select('search') and select('match') is that the latter requires the whole element to match. **** *selectattr* #filterselectattr This select all entries from a list of dictionaries where one attribute from the dictionary fulfils a certain condition. {{{ {{ rest_api_fields | selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'string') | list }} }}} **** *reject* #filterreject This filter removes elements from a list of strings. In the following example we remove all filenames which contain the string =junk=: {{{ {{ filenames | reject('search', 'junk') | list }} }}} **** *sort* #filtersort This filter sorts a list, which can be useful to achieve a stable output. For example, the list of hosts in a group doesn't maintain an order. {{{ {% for host in groups['all'] | sort %} {{ hostvars[host]['inventory_hostname_short'] }} {{ hostvars[host['ansible_facts']['eth0']['ipv4']['address'] }} {% endfor %} }}} For list consisting of dictionaries, you can also sort by an attribute. Here we are taking the list of files registered by the [[#findmodule][*find* module]] and sorting them by their modification time (oldest first): {{{ {{ find_result.files | sort(attribute='mtime') | list }} }}} You can also sort in reverse order (newest first): {{{ {{ find_result.files | sort(attribute='mtime',reverse=True) | list }} }}} **** *unique* #filterunique Reduces a list to unique items by omitting duplicate ones. *** Dictionary filters #dictfilters **** *dict2items* #filterdict2items Turns a dictionary in a list of dictionaries. Each entry in the new list has a *key* attribute with the key in the orginal dictionary and a *value* attribute with value from the original dictionary. This is handy to loop over a dictionary: {{{ {% for vg in ansible_lvm.vgs | dict2items %} {{ vg.key }} {{ vg.value.free_g }} GB {% endfor %} }}} *** String filters #stringfilters **** *capitalize* #filtercapitalize Uppercases first character of the string. {{{ {{ "bullseye" | capitalize }} # => 'Bullseye' }}} See [[#filtertitle][*filter* title]] for uppercasing the first character of every **word**. **** *comment* #filtercomment Turns string into a comment. This is especially useful for multi-line strings. By default the filter uses the =#= sign. **** *lower* (Jinja filter) #filterlower Converts whole string to lowercase. **** *password_hash* #filterpasswordhash Encrypts string with given method: {{{ {{ user_password | password_hash('bcrypt') }} }}} **** *regex_findall* #filterregexfindall This filter can be used to extract strings, e.g. a form value from HTML retrieved by the [[#urimodule][uri module]]. Form element: {{{ }}} Filter to extract the value: {{{ "{{ sympa_response.content | regex_findall('name=\"csrftoken\" value=\"(.*)\"') | first }}" }}} Result: =db788e6feb8a4927db84d6c0da1dfe67= **** *regex_replace* #filterregexreplace Replaces match of regular expression. If you want to replace a multiline string, e.g. a comment: {{{ /* Get rid of me */ Keep me }}} You can't use =.*= here as the dot doesn't match the newline. It works if you specify a character class with whitespace and non whitespace: {{{ regex_replace('/\\*([\\s\\S]*)\\*/', '') }}} **** *regex_search* #filterregexsearch Compares string with a regular expression and returns the match. For example to get the numeric part from the hostname of the target: {{{ - hosts: fedora33-text-box tasks: debug: msg: "{{ inventory_hostname | regex_search ('[0-9]+') }}" }}} This results in the following output: {{{ TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [fedora33-test-box] => msg: '33' }}} You can also capture part of the match: {{{ - name: Determine version of RPM package to install on the server set_fact: rpm_package_version: "{{ rhn_ssl_tool.stdout | regex_search(regexp,'\\1') | first }}" vars: regexp: 'rhn-org-httpd-ssl-key-pair-spacewalk7-(.*).noarch.rpm' }}} **** *title* #filtertitle Converts first character of every word to uppercase. {{{ {{ "foo bar" | title }} # => 'Foo Bar' }}} **** *trim* #filtertrim Removes leading and trailing whitespace. **** *upper* (Jinja filter) #filterupper Converts whole string to uppercase. *** Numeric filters #numericfilters **** *pow* #filterpow Calculate 1 GB: {{{ 1024 | pow(3) }}} **** *round* #filterround Rounds a number with or without decimal points: {{{ 10.5 | round => 11 10.444 | round(2) => 10.44 }}} *** Data filters #datafilters **** *json_query* #filterjsonquery As a JSON query can result in multiple matches, the *json_query* filter returns a list. Uses [[https://jmespath.readthedocs.io/en/latest/][JSON Matching Expression paths (JMESPATH)]]. It requires the [[https://pypi.org/project/jmespath/][jmespath]] Python library to be installed on the **controller**. *** Type filters #typefilters **** *int* #filterint Converts to integer type. Useful for numerical comparison between a variable and an integer: {{{ ansible_distribution_major_version|int >= 10 }}} **** *string* #filterstring Converts to string type. {{{ - name: Configure IPv6 ansible.posix.sysctl: name: "{{ item }}" value: "{{ ipv6_disabled | string }}" loop: - net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 - net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 - net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 }}} *** Tests #tests Reference for tests builtin into Jinja: [[https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.11.x/templates/#list-of-builtin-tests]] **** *defined* #testsdefined Whether a variable is defined or not. **** *divisibleby* #testsdivisibleby Whether a number is divisble without fraction. Can be useful in loops to create batches: {{{ {% for email in addresses %}{{ email }}{% if loop.index is divisibleby 10 %}{{ '\n -}}{% else %};{% endif %}{% endfor %} }}} **** *sameas* #testsameas Check if variable *internet_access* is true: {{{ - name: Ensure that APT cache is up-to-date apt: update_cache: true cache_valid_time: 14400 when: internet_access is sameas true }}} **** *success* #testssuccess Determines if a task was successful by looking at a variable registered by the task. Useful in combination with the *until* task keyword. *** Conditions #jinjaconditions Don't use curly braces in the conditions. *** Regular expressions #jinjaregex Regular expressions are used by the [[#filterregexfindall][*regex_findall*]] and [[#filterregexreplace][*regex_replace*]] filters. ** Variables and facts Facts are information gathered by Ansible, usually by running a setup task before executing other tasks. {{{ TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [buster-test-box] }}} Facts are accessible as variables. *** Magic variables Magic variables are automatically set by the Ansible but can't be overridden. Commonly used magic variables are: *groups* :: map with all groups and the corresponding hosts *inventory_hostname* :: full hostname as specified in the inventory, e.g. *foo.example.com* *inventory_hostname_short* :: short version of *inventory_hostname*, e.g. *foo* *inventory_dir* :: useful to locate resources relative to the inventory directory The complete list is available in the [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/special_variables.html#special-variables][Ansible documentation]]. *** Facts: OS variables #osvariables **** *ansible_os_family* and *ansible_distribution* A list of common OS families and their distributions: Debian :: Debian, Ubuntu, Kali RedHat :: RedHat, CentOS, Fedora Suse :: SLES, OpenSUSE FreeBSD :: FreeBSD Gentoo :: Gentoo Alpine :: Alpine Archlinux :: Archlinux **** *ansible_distribution_release* #distributionrelease As code names for releases are used only by Debian based distributions, this variable makes only sense for distributions in the *Debian* ansible_os_family. Debian 12 :: bookworm Debian 11 :: bullseye Debian 10 :: buster Debian 9 :: stretch Ubuntu 22.04 :: jammy Ubuntu 20.04 :: focal Ubuntu 18.04 :: bionic Ubuntu 16.04 :: xenial **** *ansible_distribution_version* This is the distribution version number, e.g *10.5* for Debian buster. **** *ansible_distribution_major_version* #majorversion Debian Jessie :: =8= Debian Stretch :: =9= Debian Buster :: =10= Ubuntu Xenial :: =16= Ubuntu Bionic :: =18= Ubuntu Focal + Ubuntu Groovy :: =20= Fedora 31 :: 31 SLES15 :: 15 Gentoo :: 2 Kali :: 2020 (current year) You can use this variable to install a Debian package only on releases that comes with that package: {{{ - name: Install certbot package(s) apt: name: - certbot when: - ansible_distribution == 'Debian' - ansible_distribution_major_version|int >= 10 }}} **** *ansible_architecture* This shows you the main architecture for your OS. | Family | Architecture | | ------------ | ------ | | Alpine | x86_64 | | Archlinux | =x86_64= | | Debian | =x86_64= | | FreeBSD | =amd64= | | Gentoo | x86_64 | | RedHat | =x86_64= | | Suse | =x86_64= | **** *ansible_kernel* This shows you the kernel version, e.g. =5.10.0-9-amd64=. **** *ansible_machine_id* The machine id (UUID) for the target, which is stored in =/etc/machine_id=, e.g. =1ff77447cd174f4a9d7e37aed637c388=. **** *ansible_service_mgr* Service manager on the target. Most modern distributions are using *systemd*. | Distribution | Service manager | Using it since | | Alpine | service | | | Archlinux | systemd | | | CentOS | systemd | CentOS 7 | | Debian | systemd | Debian 8 | | Fedora | systemd | | FreeBSD | bsdinit | | | Gentoo | openrc | | | Suse | systemd | | *** Facts: Memory #memory *ansible_memory_mb* provides memory information in Megabytes: {{{ nocache: free: 828 used: 1154 real: free: 82 total: 1982 used: 1900 swap: cached: 0 free: 0 total: 0 used: 0 }}} *** Facts: Networks *ansible_interfaces* are a list of the network interfaces on the target host. Example contents: {{{ ansible_interfaces: - lo - enp2s0 - wlp0s20f3 }}} *ansible_default_ipv4* points to the interface used for the default route. In most cases it can be used to determine the "main IP address" for a server. Example contents of the *ansible_default_ipv4* variable: {{{ ansible_default_ipv4: address: alias: eth0 broadcast: gateway: interface: eth0 macaddress: 08:00:27:8d:c0:4d mtu: 1500 netmask: network: type: ether }}} The variable *ansible_all_ipv4_addresses* is list of all IPv4 addresses on the target host with the exception of addresses from the loopback interface (= address block). Example contents: {{{ ["", "", ""] }}} *** Facts: SELinux [[#selinux][*ansible_selinux*]] *** Facts: Service Manager In order to determine whether the host uses Systemd you can check the *ansible_service_mgr" variable. *** Connection variables #connvars ansible_user :: user name used for connecting to the target host Reference: [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/intro_inventory.html#connecting-to-hosts-behavioral-inventory-parameters ]] *** Playbook variables #playbookvars **** *ansible_run_tags* #ansibleruntags List of tags passed to ansible-playbook. Using =--tags=certbot,nginx= results in: {{{ ansible_run_tags: - nginx - certbot }}} Without =--tags= the list contains one element =all:= {{{ ansible_run_tags: - all }}} *** Dynamic variables with *set_fact* #varsetfact The *set_fact* module allows you to generate variables from other variables (from inventory, register, ...). **** Extract output from a command in a loop #commandloopoutput It can be a challenge to find out how to use *set_fact* based on a previous command in a loop, but it is quiet simple if you use the *sum* filter: {{{ - set_fact: modules_list: "{{ command_output.results | sum(attribute='stdout_lines', start=[]) }}" }}} *** Access facts of other hosts You can access variables for other hosts from the current inventory through the *hostvars* array. *** Python You can apply standard Python methods to variables. **** String methods Useful methods are *join*, *split*, *startswith* and *endswith*. You can use a regular expression instead of *startswith* or *endswith*, but these methods improve the readablility. In the following we check if the listen address is a Unix socket. If not we configure the allowed clients for TCP address. {{{ {% if item.pool_listen.startswith('/') == false %} listen.allowed_clients = {{ item.pool_listen_allowed_clients | default('', true) }} {% endif %} }}} See also: [[https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#string-methods]]. **** Slicing Slicing can be used for strings and lists with the same syntax [*start*:*end*]. The first element is 0, so =[1:]= removes the first character from a string respective the first element of an array. Returns the string represented by the variable *backup_base_directory* with the first character removed: {{{ {{ backup_base_directory[1:] }} }}} Removes subdomain to use as cookie domain: {{{ cookie_domain: ".{{ app_domain.split('.')[1:] | join('.') }}" }}} **** Lists #pythonlists Lists can be combined with the =+= operator: {{{ - set_fact: Combine two arrays myarray: "{{ myarray + youarray }}" }}} This can also used to add element(s) to a list, just wrap them in a new list =[]=: {{{ - set_fact: Add element to array myarray: "{{ myarray + ['element'] }}" }}} **** Dicts This is good example to prevent variable nesting while inside a Jinja template: {{{ Environment="FCGI_CHILDREN={{ sympa.web.get(unit_name + '_procs') }}" }}} *** Precedence [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_variables.html#ansible-variable-precedence]] ** Lookups Lookups can be used for file contents, templates, environment variable and various other things. *** Files The lookup takes place on the **controller**. Ansible will lookup the file in multiple directories if you are using a relative path. Run the playbook with -vvvvv to see the paths to these directories. In this case the APT key is stored in the *files* directory of the role. {{{ - name: Ensure key for Docker repository is imported apt_key: data: "{{ lookup('file', 'docker_apt_pgp.asc') }}" id: 0EBFCD88 state: present }}} The file lookup **removes newlines** at the end of the file **which breaks SSH private keys** ([[https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/30829]]). Here comes a neat trick to avoid it by utilizing YAML syntax: {{{ - name: Add SSH private key copy: content: | {{ lookup('file', users_inventory_dir + '/files/ssh-keys/' + ssh_id ) }} dest: "/home/{{ item.username }}/.ssh/id_rsa" owner: "{{ item.username }}" mode: 0600 no_log: true }}} If your file is located in the inventory, you can use the *inventory_dir* variable inside the lookup: {{{ "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/../files/ssh-keys/checkmk-ssh.pub') }}" }}} Note: you can use *with_file* as alternative to the file lookup, see [[#moduleauthorizedkey][*authorized_key*]] example. *** Environment variables This example shows how to determine the user on the controller: {{{ "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}" }}} *** DNS records Query DNS A record for *example.com*: {{{ "{{ lookup('community.general.dig', 'example.com.')}}" }}} Specific name servers can used as follows: {{{ "{{ lookup('community.general.dig', 'example.com.', '@,' )}}" }}} *** DNS TXT records DNS TXT records are used for various things. For example common email authentication methods like SPF, DKIM and DMARC are using TXT records. You can use the *dnstxt* lookup plugin to check the DKIM record for the domain *linuxia.de* and selector *mail*: {{{ - name: Check whether DKIM DNS entry exists debug: msg: "{{lookup('dnstxt', 'mail._domainkey.linuxia.de')}}" }}} The output looks like: {{{ msg: v=DKIM1; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDywbZfxszCUIV3WsMWChd+8iergHXcsWNR/vPtc4gwtbR+3xWd9WNQzGuwhiCBjJcrC79yYnJYhw5vBvVY3YFgV4gD/V3gwWN4NqIb/LoNIgsqLZ8wy+cNnZJnT46K20Dmge1LAV5uxo9Mjq7xtbqTQ1ELI51rTCunos2noZ0JRQIDAQAB }}} ** Conditions #conditions Conditions determine whether a task is executed. **Arguments to conditions are automatically passed through templating.** Don't wrap them in curly braces. Examples: Whether the key =owner= exist in the *item* dict: {{{ when: "'owner' in item" }}} Whether list is not empty: {{{ when: mylist | length }}} ** Loops The traditional way for loops in Ansible using *with_items*, *with_dict*, *with_subelements* etc. has been replaced by *loop*: [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_loops.html#migrating-from-with-x-to-loop]]. This has been introduced with Ansible 2.5. Of course you can still use the *with_* loops. Documentation for *with_subelements*: [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/plugins/lookup/subelements.html]] *** *with_subelements* example Data: {{{ users: - username: backuptransfer ssh_keys: - backup ssh_keys_to_remove: [] }}} Task: {{{ - name: Add SSH keys authorized_key: user: "{{ item.0.username }}" key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/files/ssh-keys/' + item.1 + '-ssh.pub') }}" state: present with_subelements: - "{{ users }}" - ssh_keys }}} *** Loop over comma separated list {{{ loop: "{{ services.split(',') | map('trim') | list }}" }}} ** Handlers Handlers are only running if one of the triggering tasks is in the *changed* status. Also they are executed at the end of the playbook. So if multiple tasks triggering a handler, it is only run once. A typical task executed by a handler is the restart of a service: {{{ - name: Restart Exim4 service: name: exim4 state: restarted }}} *** Flushing handlers It is also possible to run handlers in the middle of playbook: {{{ - name: Flush handlers meta: flush_handlers }}} ** Commandline *** Ad-hoc mode With the ad-hoc mode you can execute arbitrary commands on the target hosts. You can execute commands with =ansible -a= for all hosts in a group, e.g a simple call of the =id= program, which doesn't need superuser permissions: {{{ $ ansible shopserver -i production -a id www1.linuxia.de | CHANGED | rc=0 >> uid=1001(ansible) gid=1001(ansible) Gruppen=1001(ansible),1002(sysadmin) }}} Add =--become= for commands which need to be executed as superuser: {{{ $ ansible shopserver -i production --become -a "grep Failed.password /var/log/auth.log" }}} Use the pseudo group *all* to execute the command on all hosts in the given inventory. *** Tags You can run tasks for certain tags respective skip them. {{{ ansible-playbook --tags=letsencrypt site.yml }}} {{{ ansible-playbook --skip-tags=letsencrypt site.yml }}} *** Tasks List all tasks which would be executed by the playbook =site.yml=. {{{ ansible-playbook --tags=letsencrypt --list-tasks site.yml }}} List tasks tagged with *letsencrypt* which would be executed by the playbook =site.yml=. {{{ ansible-playbook --tags=letsencrypt --list-tasks site.yml }}} *** Limit Limit the execution of the playbook to one or more host groups: {{{ ansible-playbook -i prod --limit myshop,mydb plays/ecommerce.yml }}} ** Vault *** Password file The location of the Vault password file can be set by: commandline argument :: =–vault-password-file= environment variable :: *ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE* ansible configuration :: *vault_password_file* *** Encrypt file #vaultencryptfile {{{ $ ansible-vault encrypt repo-git-id Encryption successful }}} *** Encrypt single variable #vaultencryptvar {{{ $ ansible-vault encrypt_string --stdin-name mysql_root_password ... }}} The result looks as follows and you can put that as is into a YAML inventory file: {{{ mysql_root_password: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 62373730376636323437633965356564366233326266663238343765353634646362323234663664 6239663063343861656234663035323765386366333632630a336363396562653437366339316538 37383639366532633839313961383465646164626638316238386239303264303463633936316539 3237356539366266640a306363393136656636346435303862653335333564326638336539313161 3134 }}} *** Decrypt single variable #vaultdecryptvar Unfortunately Ansible [[https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/26190][doesn't offer]] a command to decrypt single variables in a YAML file. Here the [[https://yq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/][=yq=]] command comes to rescue. Sample =yq= installation on Debian: {{{ apt-get install jq pip install yq }}} Now you can select the variable with =yp= and output it as raw string instead of json (=-r= option): {{{ yq -r .mysql_root_password production/production.yml }}} This output can be piped into the =ansible-vault= command as follows: {{{ yq -r .mysql_root_password production/production.yml | ansible-vault decrypt }}} This also works for variables on deeper levels of the YAML file. Please note that some keys with "special characters" like =.= and =-= needs to be quoted. {{{ yq -r '."nginx-servers".hosts."example.linuxia.de".htpasswd_credentials[0].password' production/production.yml | ansible-vault decrypt }}} ** Troubleshooting *** Hangs while gathering facts Check connection first: {{{ $ ansible -m ping -i live DEBIAN }}} Exclude hardware from facts: {{{ $ ansible -m setup -i live DEBIAN -a 'gather_subset=!hardware' }}} ** Containers #containers Ansible Docker Reference: [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/scenario_guides/guide_docker.html]] ** SELinux #selinux Ansible provides the fact *ansible_selinux* with information about the SELinux status. It is a dict with the fields *config_mode*, *mode*, *policyvers*, *status* and *type*. Typical values are: Distribution / Release || Status || Mode || Type Debian | disabled | - | - Ubuntu | disabled | - | - Centos | enabled | permissive | targeted Fedora | enabled | enforcing | targeted However this fact requires installation of a SELinux Python library. For recent releases these are *libselinux-python3* for RedHat OS family and *python3-selinux* for the Debian OS family. You can refresh the *ansible_selinux* fact after the installation of the library with the [[#setupmodule][*setup* module]]: #refreshselinuxfact {{{ - name: Refresh SELinux fact setup: filter: 'ansible_selinux' }}} ** Modules *** apache2_module {{{ - name: Enable fcgid module apache2_module: name: fcgid state: present }}} *** apt #aptmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/apt_module.html][*apt* module]] is used to install APT packages from repositories and from files. To install multiple packages, pass a list to *name*: {{{ - name: Install Perl packages needed by mrad apt: name: - dar - libappconfig-perl - libdate-manip-perl - libmime-lite-perl - libfilesys-df-perl }}} Installing from a file requires to transfer the file to the target first: {{{ - name: Copy Sympa package to target copy: src: "{{ sympa.package_file }}" dest: /var/cache/apt/archives }}} Now you can install the package with the help of the *deb* parameter: {{{ - name: Install Sympa package from a file apt: deb: /home/racke/sympa-community/sympa-6.2.48~dfsg-1_amd64.deb }}} Install a Debian package only on releases that comes with that package: {{{ - name: Install certbot package(s) apt: name: - certbot when: - ansible_distribution == 'Debian' - ansible_distribution_major_version|int >= 10 }}} Purging a package is triggered by the *purge* parameter: {{{ - name: Purge Sympa package apt: name: sympa state: absent purge: yes }}} To update the APT cache without installing a package: {{{ - name: Update APT cache apt: update_cache: yes when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' }}} *** apt-key #aptkeymodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/apt_key_module.html][*apt_key*]] module manages APT keys for authenticating packages. Example: {{{ - name: Install APT key for MySQL repository apt_key: data: "{{ lookup('file', 'mysql-apt-repo.key') }}" state: present }}} This requires =gpg= installed on the target machine: {{{ - name: Install GnuPG apt: name: - gpg }}} *** apt-repository #aptrepositorymodule Add Ubuntu PPA repository: {{{ - name: Add Linbit DRBD PPA repository apt_repository: repo: ppa:linbit/linbit-drbd9-stack }}} In most cases you will also need to update the APT cache when adding the repository. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to install packages from the repository. {{{ - name: Add Linbit DRBD PPA repository apt_repository: repo: ppa:linbit/linbit-drbd9-stack codename: focal register: drbd_linbit_apt - name: Update APT cache apt: update_cache: yes when: drbd_linbit_apt.changed }}} You can also select the filename for the APT sources file configuring the repository: {{{ - name: Install apt repository for Gitlab apt_repository: repo: "deb https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/ubuntu/ focal main" filename: gitlab-repo }}} The resulting file name would be =/etc/apt/sources.list.d/gitlab-repo.list=. *** assert #assertmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/assert_module.html][*assert* module]] checks whether given conditions are met. It fails if not. {{{ - name: Ensure that role is executed on Debian Jessie or Debian Stretch assert: that: - ansible_distribution == 'Debian' - ansible_distribution_major_version == '8' or ansible_distribution_major_version == '9' msg: "Debian Jessie or Debian Stretch required for docker role" }}} *** authorized_key (SSH authorized keys) #moduleauthorizedkey The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/authorized_key_module.html][*authorized_key* module]] allows you to add or remove keys from user accounts. {{{ - name: "Add SSH keys" authorized_key: user: interch state: present key: "{{ item }}" with_file: - racke-ssh.pub - linuxia-ssh.pub }}} *** blockinfile #blockinfilemodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/blockinfile_module.html][*blockinfile* module]] is similar to the [[#lineinfilemodule][*lineinfile module*]], but allows you to manipulate multiple lines in a file. Example: #sshportexample {{{ - name: Ensure that SSH port is in user's config blockinfile: path: "/home/{{ username }}/.ssh/config" block: | Host *.example.com Port 7494 create: yes mode: 0644 become_user: "{{ username }}" }}} If the file doesn't exist already, it be will created (because of *create* set to *yes*). In that case the content of the SSH config file would look like: {{{ # BEGIN ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK Host *.example.com Port 7494 # END ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK }}} If you want to put multiple entries in a single file (either through separate tasks or by running the *blockinfile* task in a loop), you need to add an unique marker to the task, e.g.: {{{ - name: Ensure that SSH port is in user's config blockinfile: path: "/home/{{ username }}/.ssh/config" block: | Host *.example.com Port 7494 marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK FOR EXAMPLE.COM" create: yes mode: 0644 become_user: "{{ username }}" }}} Now the output would look like: {{{ # BEGIN ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK FOR EXAMPLE.COM Host *.example.com Port 7494 # END ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK FOR EXAMPLE.COM }}} *** copy #copymodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/copy_module.html][*copy* module]] copies files to the target. *** cpanm #cpanmmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/cpanm_module.html][*cpanm* module]] allows you to manage Perl modules. {{{ - name: Install Dancer2 module with cpanm cpanm: name: Dancer2 }}} You can also specify a minimum version: {{{ - name: Install Dancer2 module with cpanm cpanm: name: Dancer2 version: '0.301000' }}} It is not possible to use a list of Perl modules in the *name* parameter, so you need to run the task in a loop: {{{ - name: Install Dancer2 plugins with cpanm cpanm: name: "{{ item }}" loop: - Dancer2::Plugin::Email - Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible - Dancer2::Plugin::GraphQL }}} *** debconf #debconfmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/debconf_module.html][*debconf* module]] allows you to preseed values for the debconf configuration. {{{ - name: Preseed Debconf values for Sympa (wwsympa_url) debconf: name: sympa question: wwsympa/wwsympa_url value: "https://{{ common.web.domain }}/sympa" vtype: string }}} *** docker_container #dockercontainermodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/docker_container_module.html][*docker_container* module]] Start Elasticsearch container with image from GitHub: {{{ - name: Ensure that Elasticsearch container is running docker_container: name: "esdemo" image: "elasticsearch:7.10.1" state: 'started' restart_policy: always }}} You can also use registries other than Docker hub for the images, e.g. the Elasticsearch registry at [[https://www.docker.elastic.co/r/elasticsearch]]: {{{ - name: Ensure that Open Source Elasticsearch container is running docker_container: name: "esdemo" image: "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss:7.10.1-amd64" state: 'started' restart_policy: always }}} *** fetch #fetchmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/fetch_module.html][*fetch* module]] retrieves a file from a remote host. This module doesn't support check mode. Recursive fetching is not supported. Example: {{{ - name: Upload ~/.gnupg archive to Ansible Controller fetch: src: '{{ reprepro_home + "/" + reprepro_gpg_snapshot_name }}' dest: '{{ reprepro_gpg_snapshot_path + "/" + reprepro_gpg_snapshot_name }}' flat: True }}} *** file #filemodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/file_module.html][*file* module]] manages files and directories on the target. Create a directory: {{{ - name: Ensure that installation directory exists file: state: directory path: /usr/local/sympa owner: sympa group: sympa mode: 0755 }}} *** find #findmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/find_module.html][*find* module]] locates files and directories. It supports a subset of the functionality of the Unix *find* command. Example: {{{ - name: Get list of available Apache modules find: file_type: 'file' paths: '/etc/apache2/mods-available/' patterns: '*.load' register: apache_mods_available }}} You can specify multiple paths and patterns by passing a list to these parameters. In order to extract all file paths from the result use the map filter: {{{ - name: Paths for Apache modules set_fact: apache_mods_paths: "{{ apache_mods_available.files | map(attribute='path') | list }}" }}} This gives you a list of full paths: {{{ - /etc/apache2/mods-available/fcgid.conf - /etc/apache2/mods-available/fcgid.load - /etc/apache2/mods-available/http2.conf - /etc/apache2/mods-available/http2.load }}} In order to get only the filenames, apply the basename filter as well: #findbasenamefilter {{{ - name: Filenames for Apache modules set_fact: apache_mods_files: "{{ apache_mods_available.files | map(attribute='path') | map('basename') | list }}" }}} Now the resulting list is: {{{ - fcgid.conf - fcgid.load - http2.conf - http2.load }}} *** get_url #geturlmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/get_url_module.html][*get_url* module]] download files to the target. {{{ - name: Download Debian 10 image for KVM get_url: url: https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/openstack/current-10/debian-10-openstack-amd64.qcow2 checksum: sha256:85c43e90a13f5c1021afd07f843ace498b4bca4ff71b8e5c50d70e2566a304aa dest: /var/lib/libvirt/images/debian10.qcow2 }}} *** getent #getentmodule Determine the home directory of the remote user: {{{ - name: Retrieve account information for remote user getent: database: passwd key: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}" split: ":" - name: Set fact for home directory set_fact: user_home: "{{ getent_passwd[ansible_ssh_user][4] }}" }}} *** git #gitmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/git_module.html][git module]] clones a Git repository. Notable parameters are: depth :: if set, creates a shallow clone *** git_config Updates Git configuration files, e.g user name and email: {{{ - name: Configure Git username for etckeeper commits git_config: name: user.name scope: global value: "{{ git_user_name }}" - name: Configure Git email for etckeeper commits git_config: name: user.email scope: global value: "{{ git_user_email }}" }}} The *scope* setting might be a bit confusing - *global* refers to the user's global configuration =~/.gitconfig=, while *system* refers to =/etc/gitconfig=. *** group Creates a user group. {{{ - name: Create unix group for Sympa group: name: sympa }}} *** *hostname* #hostnamemodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/hostname_module.html][*hostname* module]] sets the hostname of the target system, e.g: {{{ - name: Set hostname hostname: name: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}" }}} The variable *inventory_hostname_short* contains the first part of the fully qualified domain name (FQDN), e.g. =foo= for =foo.linuxia.de=. This adjusts the hostname in =/etc/hostname= and creates or updates =/etc/machine-info=: {{{ $ cat /etc/hostname foo $ cat /etc/machine-info PRETTY_HOSTNAME=foo }}} *** import_role, include_role #importincluderolemodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/import_role_module.html][*import_role* module]] loads the given role similar to roles specified with the *roles:* keyword. With *import_role* Ansible checks first whether the role is available before executing the playbook. The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/include_role_module.html][*include_role*]] loads a role *dynamically*. Instead of executing the role as usual you can run a specific task file: {{{ - name: Run task file dkim-key-pair.yml from exim-dkim role import_role: name: exim-dkim tasks_from: dkim-key-pair.yml }}} *** import_tasks The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/import_tasks_module.html][*import_tasks* module]] allows you to import tasks from another task file than =main.yml=: {{{ - name: Install systemd timers import_tasks: timers.yml }}} *import_tasks* can not run in a loop. This is useful to group related tasks and keep the main task file lean. In addition you can restrict the scope to a subset of the targets, e.g. based on the distribution. {{{ - name: Initialize PostgreSQL cluster import_tasks: initialize.yml when: ansible_os_family in ['Alpine', 'RedHat', 'FreeBSD', 'Suse'] }}} *** known_hosts #knownhostsmodule Ansible provides the [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/known_hosts_module.html][*known_hosts* module]] for adding or removing host keys from the =~/.ssh/known_hosts= file. {{{ - name: Add Git remote to known hosts known_hosts: name: 'git.linuxia.de' key: '[git.linuxia.de] ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBG5jcaKO5t0A2NOxIPFFoBz6tKFUOZygTGZeBEpH9ib3wO98sWAdi8QtjKY6WpMIe5Z7ZvKC+awsvaBmzEfUVDE=' hash_host: yes }}} The ECDSA host key is located in the file =/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub= on the server. Don't use the RSA host key, which might not accepted. Another use case is a backup server which pulls backups from a number of clients with SSH. The SSH public key of any client needs to be added to the =~/.ssh/known_hosts= file of the server: {{{ - name: Add known hosts entries for backup clients known_hosts: name: "{{ item }}" key: "{{ item }}: {{ hostvars[item].ssh_host_key }}" hash_host: yes with_items: "{{ groups['backup_clients'] }}" when: - "'backup_servers' in group_names" }}} *** lineinfile #lineinfilemodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/lineinfile_module.html][*lineinfile* module]] add or updates a **particular** line in a **text** file. It isn't applicable to the following use cases: - Replacing multiple occurrences of the same line (see [[#replacemodule][*replace*]]) - Replacing a block with multiple lines blockinfile (see [[#blockinfilemodule][*blockinfile*]]) - Manipulating files with structured data such as XML and JSON {{{ - name: Configure proxy (Debian, Ubuntu) lineinfile: dest: /etc/environment regexp: '(?i)^no_proxy=' line: "no_proxy=example.com,localhost" when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' }}} This is an example where we add the report email address from the variable *unattended_upgrades_report_email* to the configuration of the *unattended-upgrades* Debian package: {{{ - name: Add email address for reports on upgrades lineinfile: dest: "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades" regexp: '^(//)?Unattended-Upgrade::Mail\s+"(.*)";' line: "Unattended-Upgrade::Mail \"{{ unattended_upgrades_report_email }}\";" }}} The orignal line after installation looks like that: {{{ //Unattended-Upgrade::Mail "root"; }}} So the regular expression needs to cover both the option with or without the =//= at the beginning of the line. Another example: {{{ - name: Adjust PHP FPM configuration lineinfile: path: "/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf" line: "catch_workers_output = yes" state: present regexp: "^;?catch_workers_output" }}} This makes sure that the line catch_workers_output = yes appears in the configuration file. It replaces an existing line by regular expression, so it would work whether the configuration directive is commented out or not: - catch_workers_output = no - ;catch_workers_output = yes In some cases it may be warranted to add multiple lines to a file by using *lineinfile* in a loop. Inserting a list of cluster nodes into =/etc/hosts= could be such a case: {{{ - name: Ensure that the node hostnames can be resolved (essential for DRBD/OCFS2 clustering) lineinfile: path: /etc/hosts line: '{{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address }} {{ item }}' regexp: '^{{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address | regex_escape }}' insertbefore: '^$' firstmatch: yes loop: "{{ groups['mycluster'] }}" }}} The combination of =insertbefore: '^$'= and =firstmatch: yes= instructs *lineinfile* to add the new lines before the first empty line in =/etc/hosts=. The pristine file for host *debian* after initial installation may look like that: {{{ localhost debian.localdomain debian # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters }}} And after you added *node1*, *node2*, *node3* from the group *mycluster*: {{{ localhost debian.localdomain debian node1 node2 node3 # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters }}} *** locale_gen #localegenmodule Debian only enables the basic locales by default. You can use the *locale_gen* module to add needed locales: {{{ - name: Ensure that German locale exists locale_gen: name: de_DE.UTF-8 state: present }}} *** mysql_db, mysql_user #mysqlmodules Ansible provides the [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/mysql_user_module.html][*mysql_user* module]] and the [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/mysql_db_module.html][*mysql_db* module]] for creating MySQL roles and databases. Create database: {{{ - name: Create database for Sympa mysql_db: name: sympa state: present }}} Create user for the Sympa database: {{{ - name: Create MySQL user for Sympa mysql_user: name: sympa priv: 'sympa.*:ALL' password: nevairbe state: present }}} Create remote user for replicating the Sympa database: {{{ - name: Add remote replication user mysql_user: name: replicator host: '' password: nevairbe priv: "sympa:*:REPLICATION SLAVE" state: present }}} Dump database: {{{ - name: Create a dump from Sympa database mysql_db: name: sympa state: dump target: "/home/backup/sympa-{{ ansible_date_time.date }}.sql" }}} Please note that the dump file is world readable, so you need to protect sensitive data with restricted permissions for the dump directory. *** mysql_replication #mysqlreplicationmodule Determine MySQL slave status. {{{ - name: Get slave status mysql_replication: mode: getslave register: mysql_slave_info }}} {{{ - set_fact: mysql_slave_health: |- {% if mysql_slave_info.Slave_IO_Running == 'Yes' and mysql_slave_info.Slave_SQL_Running == 'Yes' %}UP{% else %}DOWN{% endif %} }}} *** package #packagemodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/package_module.html][*package* module]] is a generic package manager for supported distributions. Simple tasks like installing Git can be accomplished with it, but software might be packaged with different names in the distributions. {{{ - name: Ensure that Git is installed package: name: - git }}} Specific modules by distributions are: | Distributions | Ansible module | | Alpine | apk | | ArchLinux | pacman | | Debian | [[#aptmodule][apt]] | | Gentoo | [[#portagemodule][portage]] | | RedHat | yum | | Suse/SLES | zypper | | Ubuntu | [[#aptmodule][apt]] | *** pam_limits #pamlimitsmodule This module changes the Linux PAM limits in the file =/etc/security/limits.conf= (or the file specified by the *dest* parameter). To impose soft and hard limits for the number of open files to user *foo*: {{{ - name: ulimits - Add soft value of maximum open files to user foo pam_limits: domain: foo limit_type: soft limit_item: nofile value: "1024" - name: ulimits - Add hard value of maximum open files to user foo pam_limits: domain: foo limit_type: hard limit_item: nofile value: "2048" }}} Please note that this module doesn't indicate possible changes in *check mode*. Available limit types are: | core | limits the core file size (KB) | | data | max data size (KB) | | fsize | maximum filesize (KB) | | memlock | max locked-in-memory address space (KB) | | nofile | max number of open file descriptors | | rss | max resident set size (KB) | | stack | max stack size (KB) | | cpu | max CPU time (MIN) | | nproc | max number of processes | | as | address space limit (KB) | | maxlogins | max number of logins for this user | | maxsyslogins | max number of logins on the system | | priority | the priority to run user process with | | locks | max number of file locks the user can hold | | sigpending | max number of pending signals | | msgqueue | max memory used by POSIX message queues (bytes) | | nice | max nice priority allowed to raise to values: [-20, 19] | | rtprio | max realtime priority | | chroot | change root to directory (Debian-specific) | *** pip #pipmodule The *pip* module install and removes Python packages. {{{ - name: Ensure that SSLyze is installed pip: name: sslyze }}} *** portage #portagemodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/general/portage_module.html][*portage* module]] manages packages on Gentoo through the *emerge* command. In general the "packages" are compiled from sources, so it can take a **long time** to install a Gentoo package. {{{ - name: Ensure that Git is installed portage: name: - git }}} *** postgresql_db, postgresql_user #postgresqlmodules Ansible provides the [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/postgresql_user_module.html][*postgresql_user* module]] and the [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/postgresql_db_module.html][*postgresql_db* module]] for creating PostgreSQL roles and databases. Creating a role can be as simple as in the following example: - name: Create PostgreSQL role for Sympa postgresql_user: name: sympa Now you can create a database for this role: - name: Create PostgreSQL database for Sympa postgresql_db: name: sympa encoding: UTF-8 lc_collate: en_US.UTF-8 lc_ctype: en_US.UTF-8 template: template0 owner: sympa state: present *** postgresql_query #postgresqlquerymodule You can ensure that a column exists in a table with using this module: {{{ - name: Add unsubscribe_link field to subscriber table postgresql_query: db: sympa query: 'ALTER TABLE subscriber_table ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS unsubscribe_link text' become: true become_user: postgres vars: ansible_ssh_pipelining: true }}} *** reboot #rebootmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/reboot_module.html][*reboot* module]] reboots the target host. The output for a successful reboot looks like that: {{{ ok: [buster-test-box] => msg: changed: true elapsed: 30 failed: false rebooted: true }}} *** replace #replacemodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/replace_module.html][*replace* module]] replace all instances of a pattern within a file. E.g. if you want to prepend every line in a file with =#=: {{{ - replace: path: "/home/racke/example.txt" regexp: '^(.*)$' replace: '# \1' }}} *** service #servicemodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/service_module.html][*service* module]] start and stops services. On hosts with systemd, the task is delegated to the [[#systemdmodule][*systemd* module]]. Services are not always enabled and started when you install the corresponding package, so add a task to ensure that this is the case: {{{ - name: Ensure that rsyslog is installed package: name: rsyslog - name: Ensure that rsyslog is enabled and running service: name: rsyslog state: started enabled: yes }}} **** sleep parameter Some services have stop scripts that terminate immediately even before the actual process is vanished. This can prevent a successful start when you restart the service. To alleviate this problem you can add a value for the sleep parameter: {{{ - name: restart mysql service: name: {{ mysql_daemon }} state: restarted sleep: 5 }}} *** selinux #selinuxmodule Disable SELinux: {{{ - name: Disable SELinux (Fedora) selinux: state: disabled when: ansible_distribution == 'Fedora' }}} *** setup #setupmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/setup_module.html][*setup* module]] allows you to gather facts on the remote hosts. This is done automatically at the beginning of a play unless you disable it with setting *gather_facts* to =False=. In some cases you might need to refresh the facts. You can find one example in the [[#refreshselinuxfact][SELinux section]]. Another one follows: {{{ # Vagrant box debian/buster64 has "buster/sid" in /etc/debian_version - name: Ensure that base-files package is up-to-date for the Debian buster assertion apt: name: - base-files state: latest register: basefiles - name: Reread facts setup: when: basefiles.changed }}} Installing =base-files= changes the content of =/etc/debian_version= from =buster/sid= to =10.0=, but this is not reflected in the *ansible_distribution_major_version* variable. Without refreshing the facts the following assertion would fail in a fresh buster VM: {{{ - name: Role requires Debian Buster assert: that: - ansible_distribution == 'Debian' - ansible_distribution_major_version == '10' fail_msg: "Distribution {{ ansible_distribution }}, major version: {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}" }}} *** service_facts #servicefactsmodule You sometimes need to find out the status of the services, especially in a heterogeneous environment. The *service_facts* sets a dict with all existing services, whether they are running or not. So you can use that to determine whether the service exists at all and and is in a certain state: {{{ - name: Populate service facts ansible.builtin.service_facts: - name: Adjust firewalld settings import_role: name: firewalld when: - "'firewalld.service' in ansible_facts.services" - ansible_facts.services['firewalld.service']['state'] == 'running' }}} *** synchronize #synchronizemodule Reference: [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/synchronize_module.html][*synchronize* module]] This can be used to synchronize backups from server A (*sync_src_server*) to server B (*sync_dest_server*). Both need to be part of the inventory: {{{ - name: Synchronize synchronize: mode: push src: "/data/backups/" dest: "/srv/backups/server-a/" delegate_to: "{{ sync_src_server }}" when: inventory_hostname == sync_dest_server }}} Ensure that *rsync* is installed on both hosts: {{{ - name: Ensure that rsync is installed on both hosts package: name: rsync when: inventory_hostname in [sync_src_server, sync_dest_server] }}} *** systemd #systemdmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/systemd_module.html][*systemd* module]] is the similar to the *service* module, but is specifically used to manage systemd services. After changing an unit file, let systemd know about it: {{{ - name: Reload systemd daemon on unit file changes systemd: daemon_reload: true }}} This is the equivalent to the =systemctl daemon-reload= command. *** template #templatemodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/template_module.html][*template* module]] generates files from templates. The template needs to exists on the Ansible controller. There is *remote_src* parameter as for the [[#copymodule][*copy* module]]. *** timezone #timezonemodule {{{ - name: Set timezone to Europe/Berlin timezone: name: Europe/Berlin }}} *** ufw #ufwmodule Manages ufw firewall rules. {{{ - name: Open firewall port for IMAP/TLS ufw: rule: allow port: '993' proto: tcp }}} *** unarchive #unarchivemodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/unarchive_module.html][*unarchive* module]] unpacks an archive. Please make sure that the file permissions are correct inside the archive. Although there is a *mode* parameter, it is pretty much useless for software archives as the same mode is applied to files **and** directories. As the *unzip* binary is not always installed by default (e.g. Debian), make sure it is installed first when dealing with zip archives. For example: {{{ - name: Install unzip apt: name: - unzip when: - software_archive is match('.*\.zip') }}} Alpine Linux uses tar provided by busybox, which is not sufficient to unpack tar archives with this module. Install GNU tar on Alpine Linux: {{{ - name: Install GNU tar on Alpine Linux apk: name: tar }}} FreeBSD has a similar problem: {{{ fatal: [freebsd-test-box]: FAILED! => changed=false msg: Failed to find handler for "/usr/local/src/sympa/sympa-6.2.59b.1.tar.gz". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Command "/usr/bin/unzip" could not handle archive. Command "/usr/bin/tar" detected as tar type bsd. GNU tar required. }}} Install GNU tar on FreeBSD: {{{ - name: Install GNU tar on FreeBSD pkgng: name: gtar }}} *** uri #urimodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/uri_module.html][*uri* module]] interacts with web services. Example: {{{ - name: Create schema fields uri: url: "http://localhost:{{ solr_port }}/solr/{{ solr_core }}/schema" method: "POST" body_format: json body: "{{ { 'add-field' : solr_rest_fields} | to_json }}" }}} It can also be used to test correctness of web server configuration: {{{ - name: Test redirection of / to /sympa uri: url: "https://lists.linuxia.de" register: sympa_redirection failed_when: not sympa_redirection.redirected or sympa_redirection.url != "https://lists.linuxia.de/sympa" }}} HTTP headers can be added as dict: {{{ - name: Trigger list overview uri: url: "https://lists.linuxia.de/sympa/lists" method: "GET" headers: referer: "https://lists.linuxia.de/sympa" }}} *** user #usermodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/user_module.html][*user* module]] creates users on the target system. Create an user: {{{ - name: Create unix user for Sympa user: name: sympa group: sympa shell: /bin/bash createhome: yes password_lock: yes }}} *** xml #xmlmodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/xml_module.html][*xml* module]] manipulates XML files and strings. *** zypper #zyppermodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/zypper_module.html][*zypper* module]] manages packages on Suse distributions (OpenSUSE and SLES). The syntax is similar to the [[#packagemodule][*package* module]]. *** zypper_repository #zypperrepositorymodule The [[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/zypper_repository_module.html][*zypper_repository* module]] manages repositories on Suse distributions (OpenSUSE and SLES). ** Roles The location of the parent directory for the roles can be configured through the *roles_path* variable in the Ansible configuration file: {{{ [defaults] roles_path = roles }}} *** =ansible-galaxy= command #galaxycli Install role from Github repository: {{{ ansible-galaxy install -p roles git+https://github.com/racke/ansible-role-clamav.git }}} *** External Roles Roles from [[https://galaxy.ansible.com/][Ansible Galaxy]] can be integrated as follows: - Eintrag in =roles/requirements.yml= z.B. {{{ - src: geerlingguy.memcached version: "1.0.8" }}} - Ansible Galaxy Installation: {{{ ansible-galaxy install -p roles -r roles/requirements.yml }}} - Git commit, e.g.: {{{ git add roles/requirements.yml roles/geerlingguy.memcached git commit -m "Add external role for installing memcached." }}} - Git tag, e.g.: {{{ git tag -a -s -m "Role geerlingguy.memcached, version 1.0.8" ROLE_GEERLINGGUY_MEMCACHED_1_0_8 }}} **** Upgrades If you want to upgrade that role later, you need to bump up the version in =roles/requirements.yml= and rerun the =ansible-galaxy= command with the =-f= or =--force= flag: {{{ ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles -r roles/requirements.yml }}} **** Wrapping external roles #wrappingexternalroles It is quite useful to wrap external roles into your own role with the *import_role* module. The following role demonstrates that: 1. Ensure that the default password has been overridden 2. Import the role with variables specific for your servers 3. Execute additional tasks (here we install backup package) {{{ - name: Assert that default root password has been changed assert: that: "mysql_root_password != 'root'" fail_msg: 'Default value for mysql_root_password' - name: Run external MySQL role import_role: name: geerlingguy.mysql vars: mysql_packages: - mariadb-server - mariadb-client - name: Install automysqlbackup apt: name: automysqlbackup }}} You can also check in the wrapping role that the tasks in the imported role are not executed if a certain condition is met. For an example, it doesn't make sense to install *htpasswd* when you don't have credentials configured: {{{ - name: Run external HTTP basic authentication role import_role: name: geerlingguy.htpasswd when: - htpasswd_credentials }}} Note: the role will be still imported, but all tasks are going to be skipped. *** Load variables from a role If you need the variables from a role without actually executing the role, you can use the following workaround: {{{ roles: # including sympa role for defaults, but skipping it - role: sympa when: false }}} *** Monitoring with OMD With this role we install a check_mk agent on the system, which runs as systemd service instead of as xinetd. The agent is accessed [[https://mathias-kettner.com/checkmk_datasource_programs.html][remotely by SSH]] from the monitoring host, specified by the variables *omd_url* and *omd_version*. =roles/monitoring/tasks/main.yml= {{{ --- - name: Install check-mk-agent apt: deb: "{{ omd_url }}/check_mk/agents/check-mk-agent_{{ omd_version }}-1_all.deb" tags: - monitoring - name: Enable and start systemd socket systemd: name: "check_mk.socket" enabled: yes state: started tags: - monitoring - name: Add SSH key for monitoring authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ lookup('file', 'checkmk-ssh.pub') }}" key_options: 'command="/usr/bin/check_mk_agent"' state: present }}} Sample playbook: {{{ --- - hosts: all vars: omd_version: "1.5.0p7" omd_url: "https://monitor.linuxia.de/omd" roles: - monitoring }}} ** Best Practices #bestpractices - [[#yamlcbplugin][Use YAML callback plugin]]